Health and Wellbeing

At Veterans Housing Group we want our Veterans to have access to the resources to ensure that they're physically, mentally and emotionally well. Whatever they're trying to deal with we ensure that access to the required support is easy and an integral part of their personalised programme.

We feel so strongly about this that all our Veterans will work with their own mentor and have access to a dedicated programme. Preparation for civilian life (PCL), which is an online personal skills programme supports military personnel with the transition into civilian life.

The programme has been designed and developed with a group of experts in the mind management field alongside military personnel who have already been through the transition.

The programme has wide ranging content combined with a structured approach that can support military personnel to further develop their internal programming by elevating their emotional literacy towards the adjustment into civilian life. The programme is for the participant and about the participant.
The PCL programme helps individuals to find out who their “authentic you” really is. We will support in exploring their core values, helping to align themselves with their behaviours, supporting in understanding the mechanics of their own unique mind.
This enables individuals to manage various conflicts and build stronger relationships within civilian life.

There are many benefits of the PCL including:

Improved sense of wellbeing and resilience
Deeper self-awareness and confidence
Improved social and emotional skills
Improved focus and concentration
Being able to make considered decisions
Managing and defusing conflict
The allocated mentor supports the Veteran with the programme and transition enabling them a safe space to talk and work through various emotions that they might be experiencing.

Peer Support and Mentors

All our peer mentors have a military background, undergo the necessary training, and receive regular supervision to ensure that the support they are offering is effective and does not increase the risk of harm to them or their client. This currently includes Mental Health Training and Peer Mentor Training.

The training and supervision ensure that our team has an in depth understanding of mental health and the factors that affect wellbeing for the Veteran community, with the practical and interpersonal skills to spot the triggers and signs of mental health issues and the confidence to step-in, reassure and support.

Our mentors are critical in supporting our Veterans to engage, access and gain maximum benefit from any programmes and to sign post to additional services. Therefore, they are provided with the training to help them recognise when a veteran is struggling with their mental health and know what to do to support their emotional wellbeing. This assists them to create even better outcomes for veterans as they move along a wider recovery pathway, improving veteran mental health and wellbeing.
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